How much should a zirconia crown cost?

The cost of a Zirconia Dental Crowns vary depending the geographic Locations. In the United States, Zirconia Crowns cost range goes from $1,000 USD to $2,500 USD per crown. In Mexico, costs ranges from $450 USD to $1,500 USD.

What is a Zirconia Crown

A Dental Crown is a Tooth restoration treatment, covers sever decay, disculoration and fractures on natural dental pieces, from front to back teeth. Zirconia Crowns are dental crowns made of Zirconia dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. This kind of crowns prevent fractures on a weak tooth, improve the natural look of your smile and improve the bite.

Where to get Zirconia Crowns?

Full smile Makeover with Zirconia Crowns

A1 Smile Design provides zirconia crowns and zirconia veneers to dental practices throughout Mexico as dental tourism for American Citizens. We boast an extensive history of working with full-contour zirconia crowns. Offering from individual solutions to a full mouth smile makeover.

Meet Dante, in his testimonial he talks about his smilemakover. At his second trip to A1 Smile design he got finally the smile of his dreams. Meet his storie!

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